Bushido Brewery takes pride in collaborating with craft brewers all over the world. Together we imagine new flavors in beer and saké. We experiment, learn, and grow by sharing our passion and working in collaboration to create outstanding beer and saké experiences.

Here you can browse our history of brewing partnerships.

Interested in brewing together? Send us a message on Facebook and let's discuss!


Longroof Brewing Co.

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (August - September)

While visiting Edmonton at the end of summer I teamed up with Troy Wassill at Longroof Brewing to create a brown ale that would be a perfect companion during times of change.

Season of Nostalgia weighed in at 5.2% ABV. With ginger snap on the nose and hints of dried cherries and banana bread crust on the palate, you can feel the approach of autumn with every sip. The beer evolves as you allow it to warm, revealing soft chocolate and nuttiness in the finish.

# Production
77Season of Nostalgia
StyleAmerican Brown Ale
BJCP Category
BrewedWed, Aug 3, 2022 (2 years 7 months 1 week 3 days ago)
Packagednot yet!
NotesBrewed in collaboration w/ Longroof Brewing Company in Edmoton, Alberta, Canada. Available on draft only.

Level Beer

Portland, Oregon (March - April)

While working at Level Beer as a packager and bartender, Josh was given the opportunity to write and brew a staff beer on Level's 20 BBL production brewhouse. For this beer, Josh created Midnight Carnival, an American Stout.

# Production
76Midnight Carnival
StyleAmerican Stout
BJCP Category20B - American Stout
BrewedThu, Mar 31, 2022 (2 years 11 months 1 week 6 days ago)
PackagedSat, Apr 23, 2022 (2 years 10 months 2 weeks 6 days ago)
NotesBrewed at Level Beer in Portland, OR. Available on draft only.


Situation Brewing Company

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (October - November)

Making our Canadian debut, we partnered with Situation Brewing Company, a local Edmonton brewpub, to produce a series of playful, experimental cask beers. Two rounds of cask-making, using ingredients such as herbs, coffee, and tea, yielded eight unique casks. The herbal casks featured herbs harvested from the nearby Aspen Centre for Integral Living permaculture demo site. The coffee cask featured beans from local Edmonton roaster Iconoclast Coffee.

Bushido and Situation worked together to produce a special collaboration cask release event at the Situation brewpub. Usually, Situation only taps one cask per night, but on this occasion three casks were tapped at the same time, all of which were empty within three hours; a new record for Situation's cask program!

The event was truly a high-vibe night of local talent. Edmonton DJs Fingertips and Tigerstyle played live sets from 5 PM - 11 PM, and local photographer Luke GS was on-site to shoot the event. Many local craft beer fans and industry folks came by to try the cask beers, all of which were praised, with the surprising Coffee Cream Ale claiming the title of crowd favorite.

The remaining five casks were tapped over the following week, and all were well-received by customers. The collaboration was a creative and strategic success for both breweries!

# Production


Cerveza Loom

Santiago, Chile (June - July)

Cerveza Loom and Bushido Brewery teamed up to brew an Imperial Stout. They collaborated on recipe formulation, brew day, promotion, and a release event at Loom brewpub, where the beer was served on tap.

# Production
56Dark Water 「濃厚水」 (Noukoumizu)
StyleImperial Stout
BJCP Category
BrewedFri, Jun 19, 2015 (9 years 8 months 3 weeks 3 days ago)
PackagedFri, Jul 17, 2015 (9 years 7 months 3 weeks 6 days ago)
NotesLoom Colaboración #1 Brewed at Cerveceria Loom in Santiago, Chile.

[PRESS] LOOM/BUSHIDO Noukoumizu Imperial Stout. in The Pichangas (July 25, 2015)


Buenos Aires, Argentina (April - May)

Bushido partnered with Bunsen to produce a homebrewing course with food pairings.

Bushido developed and taught the curriculum, Zero Barrier Brewing, which was specifically designed for students in Buenos Aires who did not have access to special brewing supplies. Every course included a live brewing demonstration with step-by-step explanations of the brewing process, beer tasting, dinner, and take-home brewing documents and recipes.

Bunsen provided the kitchen and classroom space needed to host Zero Barrier courses. They planned, prepared, and served dinner. The menu for each course was custom-tailored to the course's beer style. Bunsen also managed student registration and assisted with marketing.

# Production
55zeroBarrier.Amber 「ゼロバリア・アンバ ー」
StyleAmerican Amber Ale
BJCP Category
BrewedTue, May 26, 2015 (9 years 9 months 2 weeks 4 days ago)
Packagednot yet!
52zeroBarrier.IPA 「ゼロバリア・IPA」
BJCP Category14B - American IPA
BrewedFri, May 15, 2015 (9 years 9 months 4 weeks 1 day ago)
Packagednot yet!
48zeroBarrier.Porter 「ゼロバリア・ポーター」
StyleRobust Porter
BJCP Category12B - Robust Porter
BrewedThu, May 7, 2015 (9 years 10 months 6 days ago)
Packagednot yet!
NotesFirst batch of the zeroBarrier program.
45zeroBarrier.PaleAle 「ゼロバリア・ペールエール」
StyleAmerican Pale Ale
BJCP Category10A - American Pale Ale
BrewedSat, Apr 18, 2015 (9 years 10 months 3 weeks 4 days ago)
Packagednot yet!
NotesTesting a highly improvisational brewing process in which no special/custom equipment is used. Also our smallest batch ever: 4 liters.

Federal Cervecería Independiente

Buenos Aires, Argentina (May - June)

Federal and Bushido worked together to produce an experimental honey blonde ale brewed with cardamom, cinnamon, and pollen. The beer was served on tap in the Federal gastropub.

# Production
53Honey Blonde
StyleHoney Blonde
BJCP Category
BrewedTue, May 19, 2015 (9 years 9 months 3 weeks 4 days ago)
Packagednot yet!
NotesFederal Colaboración #1 Brewed with cinnamon, pollen, and cardamom.


Buenos Aires, Argentina (April - May)

Bushido and Nauta collaborated to brew a bold Coffee Porter. Bushido handled recipe writing and coffee sourcing, Nauta handled bottling and graphic design. The bottle release party was held at Cerveceria Nacional.

# Production
49Coffee Porter 「コーヒーポーター」
StyleCoffee Porter
BJCP Category12B - Robust Porter
BrewedSun, May 10, 2015 (9 years 10 months 3 days ago)
Packagednot yet!
NotesNauta Colaboración #1 Brewed with Columbian Excelsor Supremo and Guanes Supremo coffee roasted by Full City Coffee House on Apr 30, 2015 in Buenos Aires.

[PRESS] Degustación – Cerveza Nauta in The Morfi (August 17, 2015)

Cerveza Artesanal Taguató + Cerveza Belsh

Buenos Aires, Argentina (April - May)

This triple brewery collaboration resulted in an epic Belgian Royal Stout! Belsh, Taguató, and Bushido combined the ingredients and qualities of a Russian Imperial Stout and a Belgian Quadrupel to brew this beautful beer.

The Belgian Royal Stout was kegged by Taguató and served on tap at Las Pintas, La Espuma de los Días, and other craft beer bars around Buenos Aires.

# Production
46Belgian Royal Stout
StyleBelgian Royal Stout
BJCP Category23 - Specialty Beer 13F - Russian Imperial Stout
BrewedFri, Apr 24, 2015 (9 years 10 months 2 weeks 5 days ago)
Packagednot yet!
NotesTaguató + Keusters Colaboración #1 Three-brewery collaboration with Cerveza Artesanal Tagutó and Cerveza Keusters! Brewed in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Gante Brewing Co.

Buenos Aires, Argentina (March - May)

Gante and Bushido began their relationship by altering Gante's flagship IPA with the addition of whole vanilla beans. Their collaboration Vanilla IPA was well-received by customers, which inspired a second collaboration.

And so, they brewed again. Their second collaboration was a Saison. Together, they wrote and brewed the recipe. The brewers improvised on brew day with additions of dried juniper berries, flower pollen, and chamomile.

Both beers were bottled by Gante and sold at Cerveceria Nacional.

# Production
51Saison 「サイソン」
BJCP Category16C - Saison
BrewedFri, May 15, 2015 (9 years 9 months 4 weeks 1 day ago)
Packagednot yet!
NotesGante Colaboración #2 Brewed with dried juniper berries, pollen, and chamomile.
43Vainilla IPA 「バニラIPA」
StyleIPA w/ Vanilla Beans
BJCP Category
BrewedThu, Apr 2, 2015 (9 years 11 months 1 week 4 days ago)
Packagednot yet!
NotesGante Colaboración #1 Brewed at Gante Brewing Co. in Buenos Aires. Brewed with vanilla beans (of unknown origin) bought in Barrio Chino. (12) Added 8 more vanilla beans on 2015-04-08. 04-11 "better in aromr but not so much in falvour yet" 04-15 "has a nice flavour and aroma"

Broeders Artesanal

Buenos Aires, Argentina (February - May)

When living in Buenos Aires, Josh's favorite hangout was NOLA, a Cajun food and craft beer gastropub. It was there that Josh met Francisco and Marcelo, the brothers behind Bröeders Artesanal. Francisco and Marcelo began brewing as home brewers and hosting beer pairing dinners. Their beer grew in popularity, which allowed them to expand their brewery and open NOLA. It was with Bröeders that Bushido's first collaboration took shape.

The first Bröeders-Bushido beer was a Black IPA, which was served on tap at NOLA. It was a success, and the brewers collaborated again. Their second beer was a Coffee Porter and was even more popular than the Black IPA. Bröeders and Bushido were a hit.

Their third collaboration was a Single Hop Mild, which was served during a special guest tap night at Bodega Cervecera. Their forth and final collaboration was a bold, hoppy, Imperial IPA using American and Argentine hops. It was served at NOLA, and was outrageously popular.

# Production
47Argentine/American IPA 「アルゼンチンアメリカIPA」
BJCP Category14B - American IPA
BrewedSat, Apr 25, 2015 (9 years 10 months 2 weeks 4 days ago)
Packagednot yet!
NotesBröeders Colaboración #4 Brewed at Bröeders Artesanal picobrewery in Buenos Aires.
RecipeView online at Brewtoad
44Mount Hood Mild 「フッド山マイルド」
StyleSingle Hop English-Style Mild
BJCP Category11A - Mild
BrewedSat, Apr 11, 2015 (9 years 11 months 2 days ago)
Packagednot yet!
NotesBröeders Colaboración #3 Brewed at Bröeders Artesanal picobrewery in Buenos Aires. Served on tap at Bodega Cervecera Beer Shop on Thursday, April 30, 2015.
42Cerveza de Café 「コーヒービール」
StyleCoffee Porter
BJCP Category12B - Robust Porter
BrewedSat, Mar 7, 2015 (10 years 6 days ago)
PackagedThu, Mar 19, 2015 (9 years 11 months 3 weeks 4 days ago)
NotesBröeders Colaboración #2 Brewed at Bröeders Artesanal picobrewery in Buenos Aires. Brewed with Columbian Supremo Guanes coffee roasted by Full City Coffee House on Mar 6, 2015 in Buenos Aires. This beer was served on tap at NOLA Buenos Aires on Thursday, March 19 and Friday, March 20, 2015.
RecipeView online at Brewtoad
41Negra IPA 「黒IPA」
StyleBlack IPA
BJCP Category
BrewedSat, Feb 21, 2015 (10 years 2 weeks 6 days ago)
PackagedSat, Mar 7, 2015 (10 years 6 days ago)
NotesBröeders Colaboración #1 Brewed at Bröeders Artesanal picobrewery in Buenos Aires. Available in keg only. This beer was served on tap for paying customers at NOLA, a Cajun food and craft beer gastropub in Buenos Aires, on Thursday, March 12, 2015. It was a "public secret" - a word of mouth type event - and Bushido Brewery's first time on tap in a commercial business.
RecipeView online at Brewtoad